Mitchner Moods


Mom is good about detecting my moods. I rang Mom’s alarm bell with another bout with my IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). A trip to the vet revealed that I had lost nearly three pounds since my last visit. By itself, this would not necessarily be awful, since I was a rather chunky 14-pound-plus boy; however, there was not a deliberate weight loss effort. Mom had switched me to Science Diet z/d food since Dr. Katie discovered that I had allergies. I seemed to like this food at first, but over time I was less and less attracted to it. Bloodwork taken that day revealed that one of my kidney values is above normal, and the other is approaching the high end of normal. This is consistent with my increased water consumption, which Mom had noticed.


What to do? Mom searched online for other feline fare with hydrolyzed protein, and found alternatives by Purina and Royal Canin. She was able to order the Purina food without a vet prescription, so she did. I seem to like it somewhat better than I did the z/d dry. Mom then ordered some Royal Canin dry food and treats from Chewy, and my vet authorized the purchase. So far, I really likes the treats; my moods have improved. Mom is hoping I will finish the Purina dry food before she starts me on the Royal Canin. She also has started dosing me with 1/4 tablet of famotidine most days to see if that helps keep my stomach settled. I hate the pills, but now I will eat some of the canned z/d chow that I had been rejecting, so maybe they are helping. Next step: Mom needs to take me in for a urine test, but that will involve getting me to consume some gabapentin to relax me and cause me to cooperate with the vet.